Poetry Archive

Holy Ghost

Holy ghost
Where heavens bank
On earth shorelines mothers
Where tides rise and break
By sun moon and stars and
Children come forth
As birthed ships
Profits of immortalities

I said children come forth
As birthed ships
Profits of immortalities

Cells trillions
Singing throughout millenniums
Holding tones laws genes beams
Waiting to astro-blast into
Star life star like generations

Generations germinating
Genii and genies of
Life light blood
Living waters
Captured and held
By wells of human cells
And held prisoner
Of infinite talents
Faiths wisdoms and prophets

Oooh holy ghost mystery
Spooks like a ghost!

Yet organs cling to origin
Play keys
Fulfill wishes
Breathed on banks
And profits the prophet
Of the holy ghost

And profits the prophet
Of the holy ghost

And profits the prophet
Of the holy ghost

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Filed under: Poetry Archive


Tureeda ‘Ture Ade’ Mikell, Story Medicine Woman, award winning poet published nationally and internationally, Qigong healer, workshop leader, storyteller, lyricist, performance artist, astrologer, and Bay Area Writing Project Teacher Consultant Fellow, ’96; is an activist for holism. She has published over 70, CA Poets in the Schools student anthologies since 1989 throughout 5 Bay Area school districts, and perform storytelling in schools, libraries, and universities, public and private events including the National Association of Black Storytellers, Lawrence Hall and Golden Gate Academy of Sciences, MoAD, Museum of the African Diaspora, Randall and Oakland Museums, and was featured poet/storyteller for The Black Panther’s 50th Anniversary, Octavia Butler’s 70th Birthday, and an Eth-Noh-Tec Nu Wa delegate as poet/storyteller in Beijing, China in collaboration with the University of Beijing in 2018. And most recent performance was for the  deYoung Museum’s Soul of a Nation, February 2020. Her book, ‘Synchronicity: The Oracle of Sun Medicine’, was published by Nomadic Press in February 2020.