From the Editors

Raising Mothers turns 5 this August!

This August Raising Mothers hits a milestone age. We are turning 5! In preparation of celebrating all month long; I am reaching out to you as our community. Raising Mothers wouldn’t exist without community, and as the creator of this sacred space, it is important that I drive that point home. I am currently working on our programming for the month and want to give you a heads up on what you can expect.

Workshops! Our very first workshop will be with Julia Mallory of Black Mermaids. We plan on having at least one workshop a month (so if you are a writer and would like to sign up to lead one, contact us). Registration is currently open.

A survey! I’m currently drafting a survey and I want to hear from you once it’s out. I’ll be calling on you to share it far and wide.

Our annual pledge drive! Since 2016 I’ve held a pledge drive on behalf of Raising Mothers. This year I would like to see our membership soar and we need your help to make that a reality. We are currently on Patreon for monthly membership and also accept one-off support via PayPal. Help us reach our first goal of 500 members. We don’t believe in paywalls for information, so the tiers represent your financial comfort rather than goodies. It’s based on a honor system and if you can afford less than the minimum and want to contribute monthly, write in your amount.

& more! I cannot wait to share the other goodies I’m working tirelessly on with you.

In abundance and joy,

Sherisa de Groot
Founder, Raising Mothers

Filed under: From the Editors


Sherisa de Groot (she/her) is a writer, community builder, and founder of Raising Mothers, literary membership community Literary Liberation, and pens A Home Within Myself. With a focus on intersectionality and social justice, de Groot’s writing explores the nuances of motherhood and the experiences of BIPOC mothers and marginalized genders. Through her work, she aims to amplify the voices of those who have been historically silenced and create a more equitable world for all. Her work has been featured in a variety of publications, including Kindred by Parents, Refinery 29, Mutha Magazine, and Oldster Magazine and she was a contributor to the book ‘100 Diverse Voices on Parenthood’ by A Kid’s Company About.